Premiering at the 68th Cannes festival , the small Prince was one among the primary major pickups for Netflix within the animated feature arena. For those unaware, the movie was originally thanks to get a full theatrical release by Paramount Pictures but thanks to several reasons, that was eventually scrapped and Netflix acquired the rights within the US and internationally.

Directed by Mark Osbourne, the movie is an adaptation of the French novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It featured the vocal talents of some huge names including Jeff Bridges, Rachel McAdams, and Paul Rudd.

Indeed, the trailer for the small Prince remains online complete with Netflix Original branding despite the very fact it’s not available. If you sort the comments to the most recent first, you’ll see many confused on why it’s not available.

Why did the small Prince leave Netflix?

Added back in August 2016, the movie went onto stream for just over 4 years on Netflix US (other regions vary) before first departing in November 2020. A year later, it had been readded again on November 6th, 2020 before being removed again in May 2021.

So what’s exactly going on? Well, like variety of Netflix Originals, the small Prince isn’t owned by Netflix. Although it exclusively released the movie, it doesn’t do so indefinitely. Paramount Pictures remains the last word owner of the movie and thus , Netflix simply lost the license despite it carrying Netflix Original branding.

For those within the us immediately , you’ll stream the movie via Prime Video although we suspect the movie will eventually permanently reside on Paramount+ within the near future.

Netflix Canada lost the movie (although it wasn’t branded a Netflix Original there) in May 2021 having only been available for 3 years.

A follow-up Canadian documentary also was on Netflix. Directed by Charles Officer, the documentary looks at the impact of the book. Invisible Essence: the small Prince arrived on Netflix US back in January 2019 before departing Netflix in July 2021.

Where is that the Little Prince still streaming on Netflix?

Some regions still have access to the movie although for a way long remains to be seen.

According to Unogs, a minimum of 7 countries still have access to the movie including the uk , India, Mexico, Netherlands , Mexico, et al There you’ve got it, sadly, we don’t think the small Prince are going to be returning to Netflix but it had been still a crucial addition to Netflix at the time.


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