Afghanistan‘s Taliban authorities on Sunday issued a new” religious guideline” that called on the country’s TV channels to stop showing dramatizations and cleaner operas featuring women actors In the first similar directive to Afghan media issued by the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the Taliban also called on women TV intelligencers to wear Islamic hijabs while presenting their reports And the ministry asked the channels not to state flicks or programmes in which the Prophet Mohammed or other deified numbers are shown.

It called for banning flicks or programmes that were against Islamic and Afghan values ” These aren’t rules but a religious guideline’,” ministry spokesperson Hakif Mohajir told AFP The new directive was extensively circulated late Sunday on social media networks Despite averring they will rule more relatively this time around, the Taliban have formerly introduced rules for what women can wear at university, and beaten and wearied several Afghan intelligencers despite promising to uphold press freedoms.

The Taliban’s guideline for Television networks comes after two decades of explosive growth for independent Afghan media under the Western- backed governments that ruled the country until August 15, when the Islamists recaptured power Dozens of TV channels and radio stations were set up with Western backing and private investment soon after the Taliban were stumbled in 2001.

During the once 20 times, Afghan TV channels offered a wide range of programmes– from an” American Idol” style singing competition to music vids, along with several Turkish and Indian cleaner operas When the Islamists preliminarily ruled from 1996 to 2001, there was no Afghan media to speak of– they banned TV, pictures and utmost other forms of entertainment, thinking it immoral People caught watching TV faced discipline, including having their set smashed. Power of a videotape player could lead to a public lashing There was only one radio station, Voice of Sharia, that broadcast propaganda and Islamic programming.


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