New Girl is soon departing Netflix internationally but wo n’t be leaving Netflix in the United States just yet. With that said, we do presently prognosticate that seasons 1-7 of New Girl will leave Netflix in the US in 2022 The comedy sitcom rocked the airwaves on Fox between 2011 and 2018 and ran for a aggregate of 146 occurrences across seven seasons. The show was one of the major titles from Fox to come to Netflix annually back in the day and has been streaming on Netflix in the US since 2014.
With Fox’s parent company Disney now turning all the gates off when it comes to licensing to compete pennants, New Girl’s time on Netflix will soon be coming to an end.

When could New Girl leave Netflix US?

As we mentioned over, Netflix US got the series on an periodic base after its Television broadcast. This practice is n’t seen as important currently as Netflix focuses on its own Original productsThe sixth season was added to Netflix in April 2018, despite at the time the maturity of the Fox library departing from Netflix. The final seventh season was added to Netflix US in April 2019.

The reason New Girl did n’t leave Netflix is that it was certified to Netflix not by Fox, but by Disney-ABC Domestic Television In which case, we should be looking to other ABC shows certified to Netflix as to when it leaves. In the case of Once Upon A Time and Galavant which have lately departed.

In those cases, we ’ve seen the titles leave two times after the final season was added. We did firstly prognosticate the show to leave Netflix in April 2021 but thankfully that did n’t come to pass In other disposals, we ’ve seen titles leave up to five times subsequently, so at the moment, it could be anytime between April 2021 and April 2024.

Still, 2022 (which is a real possibility) we ’ll know for sure come March 11th, 2022, If the show is set to leave on April 10th s to where New Girl will go after it leaves Netflix is yet to be seen. The logical place is Hulu but we ’ve seen several Disney- distributed shows get relicensed to other providers after so it’s too early to tell.

Will New Girl be removed from other Netflix regions?

Firstly we allowed the show would n’t be removed from Netflix internationally given it was only relicensed by Netflix in early 2020. That turned out to be incorrect with the show only being certified on a short- term base As Unogs backs up, the series was added in full to regions similar as Canada, France, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and numerous European regions between May 2020 and September 2020 Sorely, as we now know, New Girl is set to leave Netflix in every region outside the United States on January 1st, 2022 Will you miss New Girl once it leaves Netflix? Let us know in the commentary down below.


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