Inc. plans to begin the criminal court process this week against the Retail of Indian partners in the future to allow the transfer of assets to the main rival despite legal prohibitions, three sources with direct knowledge to Reuters.

For more than a year, the Amazon Group and the Future have been in the planned law that has stopped the sale of assets of $ 3.4 billion in the future to rely on the industry.Amazon managed to stop the sale of future assets to bear dependence since 2020 by quoting a violation of certain contracts.

The future, India’s second largest retailer, denies mistakes. Amazon’s position has been supported by Singapore Arbitrator and Indian court Reuters reported this week that Reliance had begun to take over around 500 future stores, turning it as its own outlet.

The previous dependence transfers rent from several superior supermarkets in the future with its name, but allows the future to continue to operate it. Reliance is now starting to have their ownership after the future fails to make rent for it, said the source Amazon plans to begin the criminal process of the future in the Delhi New Court, and to urge the court to order investigations into this issue, one source, which has direct knowledge of the plan, said.

Two other sources said the lawsuit could be submitted at the beginning of this week The future, Amazon and Reliance did not immediately respond to Reuters emails who were looking for comments Amazon will accuse information hidden in the future during the legal process and allegedly transferring rent from his shop to highlight dependence, although a Singapore arbitrator has stopped every transfer or disposal of assets in ongoing disputes, the first source added.

“This will be Amazon’s final effort (to stop the agreement),” said this source The plan to start a criminal court process will mark significant escalation in the legal battle between the Amazon and Retail Retail India – retail and dependence in the future, led by Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani.

The dragging battle of future assets is seen as a battle for retail supremacy between Reliance and Amazon in the Indian retail market that is booming In blocking future reliance transactions, Amazon has long argued that the future violates the 2019 transaction provisions in which US companies invest $ 200 million in the Indian company section.


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