The Ministry of Health Union on Wednesday denied claims that India had reported the first case of the Covid-19 variant, XE, in Mumbai. Rambuttal came shortly after Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) said that the results of the 11th generation sequencing carried out by him at 230 positive patients Covid-19 had found a new sub-variant of Omicron, XE.

BMC noted that a 50-year-old woman patient, a costume designer by the profession and a member of a film filming crew, who had arrived from South Africa on February 10, 2022, XE positive was tested. The Civic’s body added that he doubled, and he tested the negative for Covid-19 on arrival in India, but on March 2, 2022, in routine testing carried out by suburban diagnostics, he was found positive and quarantined. The test results conducted the next day are negative.

According to BMC, of ​​230 Covid-19 patients tested, 228 was infected with the Omicron variant while someone was infected by the Kappa variant. Of these, 21 must be hospitalized. None of them are in the intensive care unit (ICU) or the required oxygen support.

However, a senior health official, “FACTQ file in connection with the sample, which is being said by the XE variant, was analyzed in detail by genome experts from the Genomic Consortium SARS-COV-2 India (Insacog), which has been concluded that the constitution of this variant genome does not correlate With a picture of the genome from the XE variant. ”

BMC in his release said: “The patient’s lab samples have been referred to the Kasbba Hospital Center Laboratory for the original genome sequencing. It has been found as a new XE variant in the initial order. Although Gisaid also confirmed, Insacog has decided to go for the sequencing of other rounds To ensure XE’s variant confirmation. “

This woman is truly asymptomatic and found a negative RT-PCR on recurrent testing. XE, a new Covid variant, is a combination of strains of BA.1 and BA.2 from Omicron and found responsible for increasing virus transmissions in accordance with primary reports. Changes often in the genome structure are part of the natural life course of the virus and no need to be afraid but everyone must choose the right precautions, “BMC said.

XE is a recombinant who is a mutation of BA.1 and BA.2 Omicron strains. Recombinant mutations arise when a patient is infected by various virus variants, according to experts.Insacog is a forum set below the Ministry of Health and family welfare by the Indian government on December 30, 2020 to monitor genome sequencing and virus variations of Covid-19 circulation strains in India. The consortium ensures the status of the variant of interest (VOI) and a variant of concern (VOC) in this country; Make sentinel supervision and surge surveillance mechanism for early detection of genome variants; and help in formulating effective public health responses. It also determines the existence of genome variants in samples collected during the Super-Spreader event and in areas that report an increase in case / death trends etc.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned XE’s new subvariance, which states that it is more contagious than Covid-19 tension. There are three hybrid or recombinant viruses that have been detected so far. It is XD, XE and XF, which XD and XF are a combination of Delta and Omicron variants. XE variant is a hybrid of two omicron versions – BA.1 and BA.2.XE’s new mutant appeared for the first time in mid-January this year. The British health agency said on April 3 that XE was first detected on January 19, and 637 new variants have been reported in the country so far.


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