Grenoble, France: French city Grenoble on Monday ratified the use called “Burkini” by Muslim women in a swimming pool managed by the government, turning back one of the most controversial debates in France about religious clothing.All-in-One swimsuits, which are used by some Muslim women to cover their bodies and hair while bathing, have become controversial points during the holiday season in recent years.

Seen as a symbol of Islamism that creeped by critics and insults to French secular traditions, many right wings and some feminists want to prohibit it directly.This is prohibited in most ponds that are managed by the government-for cleanliness, not the reasons for religious rules which are tight swimwear rules apply to all, including men who are required to wear the right stems.This step applies to all boards, which means men will be able to wear long shorts and women can also take a topless bath in the Alpine City pool.

Mayor of Grenoble, Eric Piolle, one of the highest green politicians in the country who led the vast left wing coalition in the city council, had fought for the move but experienced a fierce opposition campaign.

He managed to collect enough votes at the city council meeting to approve the action, even though he did not have the support of his own EELV party who distanced himself from the action.It was brought by the slimmer margin with 29 votes to, 27 against and 2 abstains after two and a half hours of tense debate.”What we want is women and men to be able to dress as they want,” Piolle told the RMC Monday broadcaster.

The opponent sees him differently, including the conservative head influential from the wider auvergne-rhone-alpes region, Laurent Wauquiey, who has promised to withdraw funds from the city.”I am sure that what Piolle defended was a terrible dead end for our country,” Wauquiey said in early May, accusing him “committed an agreement with political Islam” to “buy votes”.

At the council meeting, the former Mayor of the right -wing Alain Tyignon urged the local referendum on this issue”You cannot force through sensitive subjects. You have no legitimacy, you are not chosen for it,” he said.Endanger the values ​​of the Republican ‘ -The Regional SPAT has returned Burkini in the headlines nationally, animating the French talk and political classes ahead of the parliamentary election next month.The problem of how people dress for swimming pools touch a very sensitive topic in France, including concerns about the influence of Islam and threats to the secularism loved by the country.

“It seems that for me that [Mayor of Piolle] was not aware of the damage he did against the values ​​of our Republic,” Prisca Thevenot, a spokesman for President Emmanuel Macron, told Radio J on Monday.This will violate the rules to respond to political desires based on religion,” he added.

Efforts by several local mayors in southern France to ban Burkini on Mediterranean Beach in the summer of 2016 started the first storm around the swimsuitThe rules, introduced after a series of terror attacks in France, were finally considered discriminatory.

Three years later, a group of women in Grenoble caused sparks by forcing into the pool with Burkinis, leading the Prime Minister at that time to insist that the rules must be followed.French sports brand Decathlon also found himself at the same battle center in 2019 when announcing plans to sell “hijab sports” which allowed Muslim women to cover their hair while running.

However, Grenoble is not the first to change its rules. The City of Rennes Northwestern secretly updated the pool code in 2019 to allow burlyists and other types of swimwear.The debate about Burkini emerged when the French Muslim female players struggled to cancel the prohibition on the use of religious symbols during competitive matches.

The French Football Federation is currently preventing players from playing while wearing the “striking” religious symbols like Muslim hijab or Jewish kippa.The collective woman known as “Les Hijabeuses” launched legal challenges for the rules in November last year.


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