Vadim Shishimarin, a 21 -year -old Russian soldier, on Wednesday, was guilty for killing an unarmed civilian because Ukraine had begun his first war trial since the beginning of the Moscow invasion.

Attorney General Ukraine Iryna Venediktova previously said his office prepared a war of war crimes against 41 Russian troops for violations that included civil infrastructure bombings, killing civilians, rape and looting, AP news agency.However, it is not clear how many suspects are in the hands of Ukraine and how much will be tried.The trial came even when Russia claimed that as many as 959 Ukrainian troops had surrendered at the Azovstal steel factory which was surrounded in the Port City of Mariupol.

Who is Vadim Shishimarin?

Shishimarin from Irkutsk in Siberia has claimed to shoot down a 62 -year -old man near the Chupakhivka central village to prevent him reporting the piracy of the car by escaping from Russian troops.If proven guilty, Shishimarin can be sent to life imprisonment for war crimes and planned murder.

“With this first trial, we send a clear signal that every perpetrator, every person who ordered or helped in committing crimes in Ukraine will not avoid responsibility,” Tweeted Venediktova.Shishimarin’s trial opened on Friday when he made a short court performance while the lawyer and judge discussed procedural issues.

What happened on February 28?

On February 28, Shishimarin and a group of Russian troops fled from Ukraine forces, according to Venediktova’s Facebook account.Russia allegedly fired on a private car and grabbed a vehicle, then went to Chupakhivka, a village about 200 miles east of Kyiv.

On the street, the Attorney General accused, Russian army of seeing a man walking on the sidewalk and talking on his phone.Shyshimarin was ordered to kill the man so he would not be able to report it to the Ukraine military authority.


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