Beijing, who was surprised and restless on Monday, condemned President Joe Biden’s statement that the US would intervene militarily with Japan if China invaded Taiwan who was ordered by itself, which effectively endangered the ambitious national integration plan of Chinese President Xi Jinping.The integration of Taiwan with mainland China is the main political board XI, 68, which is widely expected to be supported for the third term that has never happened this year by the Congress of the Communist Party who is very powerful to meet in the next few months.

China views Taiwan as a rebel province that must be reunited with land, forcibly if necessary. The US does not have an official diplomatic relationship with Taiwan, but sells weapons for it as part of the Taiwan relations law, which states that the US must give the island to defend itself.At the same time, Washington maintains formal diplomatic relations with China and also recognizes the position of Beijing that there is only one Chinese government that is far respectively, US administration maintains what is officially referred to as the strategic ambiguity of a silent China policy, while in a way The public confirms a commitment to one Chinese China policy secretly.

“We deplore and reject the us remarks”, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Wang Wenbin Told A Media Briefing Here Soon After Biden Unequivocally Stated Washington’s New Stand Shedding The Succesive Us Presidents’ Strategic Ambiguity On Beijing’s efforts to integrate with land.Significantly, Biden described the new US policy in Tokyo while handling a press conference together with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that America would stand with Japan and other countries not to let China forcefully take over Taiwan.

Wang reiterated that “Taiwan is a part that cannot be revoked from China and Taiwan’s question is purely Chinese internal affairs, which has no foreign interference.” “In problems that bear the core interests of China including sovereignty and territorial integrity there is no space for compromise or concessions,” he said and warned that “China will take decisive action to protect their sovereignty and security interests. We will be loyal to our word”.

He urged the US to truly comply with “a Chinese policy,” recognize Taiwan as part of the mainland China and refrain from sending the wrong message to Taiwan’s independence forces.Wang also took an exception to Biden comparing any action by China by forcefully taking over Taiwan similar to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.”Taiwan’s questions and Ukraine problems are basically different. Comparing the two does not make sense, “he said.

Observers said the establishment of Biden to militarily defend Taiwan against Chinese aggression will strengthen pro-independent troops led by President Taiwan Tsai Ing-Wen and overshadow XI who is often repeated statements integrated to integrate the isolated island with land.Xi, who enjoyed the status of the founder of the ruling Communist Party, Mao Zedong, is currently preparing for the third term that has never happened before, eliminating the two-year conventions followed by all its predecessors.

Reports from Taipei quoted the Taiwan Foreign Ministry who welcomed Biden’s comments to “reiterate” “Washington’s company’s commitment to Taiwan” and will deepen cooperation with countries including the US and Japan.”The challenges proposed by China to the security of the Taiwan Strait have aroused great concern for the international community,” said a spokesman for the Taiwan Foreign Ministry.”The determination of our government company to defend Taiwan’s freedom, democracy and security has never changed,” said the spokesman.In the video clip of the Biden press conference, the US leader crashed into Washington’s policy of Taiwan, the post-Russian invasion of Ukraine where America was not militarily involved.


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