A Quick Guide to WordPress Hosting for BeginnersA Quick Guide to WordPress Hosting for Beginners

Starting a journey with an online presence is quite tough, but this is not the case when you know things initially. As a beginner, while opting for the plan to the point, how to do the plan work is difficult to understand completely. Hence you must know all the things initially even before considering buying WordPress hosting plans. There is a list of things that will help you to choose the best WordPress hosting provider. 

We’ve compiled everything a newbie needs to know about WordPress hosting right here. Read the article and get a complete insight into it. 

How does a particular website work? 

It is important to understand because once you are aware of how a website works. You will know what you need for it to manage it effectively and can opt for the right plan further. What happens is: we browse a particular website -> Page request goes to server -> Content request further goes to the web database -> Later content is sent to the server and then to the user. The server loads the WordPress files required to show the homepage and makes multiple database calls to get the material to be displayed. All of this happens very quickly. 

How to opt for the right WordPress hosting plan?

Your website will need a storage space to place all the databases. With the hosting plan, you will get the domain name. This corresponds to your website URL. You must make sure to opt for a domain name that is easy to remember and readable. For choosing the right WordPress hosting plan, you need to know what website hosting will need. 

WordPress, being a Content Management System (CMS), requires specific functionalities from its hosting in order to perform correctly. You will need PHP, MySQL, and HTTPS support. If the following things are offered by a hosting company, it implies you may install WordPress with them. If you’re using a version older than the ones listed above, keep in mind that WordPress requires PHP 5.6.20+ and MySQL 5.0+. 

Types of hosting

There are several types of hosting plans that exist, like managed hosting and shared hosting. Each one of them has its own pros and cons. For instance, with shared hosting, there are benefits for beginners. If you are a newbie, you will most likely choose this sort of hosting. 

Shared hosting plans are the most cost-effective and provide an adequate amount of resources to ever get begun. Because numerous of you will be sharing the very same server, resources will be constrained so that each of the users has equal resources. Similarly, with every hosting type, there are advantages and disadvantages you need to go through. Study them well and then buy the particular hosting plan. 


As a beginner, it will be quite tough to distinguish between the hosting plans. There is one suggestion that you can implement in this case, always conduct your own research after shortlisting the provider you want to go forth with. Look for the website needs and then buy the plan accordingly. This is how all the problems can get sorted.

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