Indianapolis Colts holds one of the most impressive records in the 2013 NFL season before being defeated in the playoffs. Their star quarterback Andrew Luck has fulfilled his name and gave a new life team after the team trading their old franchise QB Peyton Manning. Everything starts looking for a team until the owner Jim Irsay does the stupid thing that can be done by a man in his position. Jim Irsay faced four accusations of crime after being arrested for driving under the influence and possession of drugs in March. Its net worth is $ 1.6 billion which is surprising and the team gets a record record in 2013. Irsay also has an influence not only in the world of sports but the political arena with his bond with Harry Reid and John Edwards so what happened?

Jim Irsay was born outside of Chicago. He was raised by a Jewish father and Poland’s mother. He and his brothers Thomas and Roberta were raised by Catholicism. They grow financially better than most. His father Robert Irsay is a Chicago businessman who bought a failed business and changed it to sell it to get a profit. He gained ownership of Baltimore Colts at that time in 1972 and remained the owner of the team until his death in 1997. Robert moved Colts from Baltimore to Indianapolis in 1984.

Jim grew surrounded by football through his father’s affiliation with NFL. Irsay has a desire for sports and strives to strengthen himself as a professional player. At school he showed an impressive athletic ability to play LineBackers for Southern Methodist University. But because his dream injury was interrupted. But it was all good that his father had led the way for Jim to eventually become the owner of the NFL team. Not surprisingly, he would grow to take over his father’s team. His brother died of a mental illness in 1999 and his sister died in a car accident in 1971 so that Jim had full ownership of the team at the age of 37 years. It was a big position to fill and the kingdom he was ready to take over. After the legal invitation with his stepmother who sued because of today’s partial ownership Jim controlled 100% of the team.

Irsay married Meg Coyle in 1980 and the couple had three children.


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