President Joe Biden arrived on Wednesday in the UK for a series of meetings with world leaders who intended to emphasize the message of his first foreign travel as president: “The United States returns.”

“We will explain that the United States returns and democracy in the world stand together to overcome the toughest challenges and the most important problems for our future,” Biden said, spoke to US Air Force personnel and their families were placed at the Royal Air Force Mildenhall shortly After he landed.

“Our alliance is not built by coercion or maintained by threats. They are based on democratic ideals, joint vision about the future, where every sound is important,” he said.

Biden’s statement underlined its government efforts to use European trips to rebuild American places in international negotiation tables after the Isolysionist approach of President Donald Trump for foreign policy, which was frayed with the right key.

Pandemic and Cybersecurity response will be topics on the G-7 Summit, Biden said. Ransomware has recently disturbed organizations throughout the world, including hospitals in Ireland, Germany and France, as well as pipelines in U.S. and banks in U.K.

Menendez about Biden’s strategy at home and abroad

10 June 202109: 07

Biden said that at the NATO Summit in Brussels, he would explain that the US commitment to Article 5 was “solid rock,” called it “sacred obligations.” Article 5, the foundation of the NATO alliance, said the attack on all allies must be treated as an attack on all members.

After the G-7 and NATO summit, Biden will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, their direct meeting since Biden served. Biden said he planned to “let him know what I want him to know.”

Biden also underlined what he saw as a need to showcase the ability of democratic institutions to provide results, especially as an autocracy rising.


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“We must expose the narrative that dictatorial decisions can match the speed and scale” from the challenge of the 21st century, Biden said. “You and I know they are wrong. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have to work harder than before to prove that democracy can still give our people.”

Biden is expected to announce to the G-7 fulfill his plan to buy 500 million doses of the Pfizer Coronavirus vaccine to be donated to other countries that struggle with limited inventory, the plan said.

Jake Sullivan National Security Advisor said this step will help show that the democratic system is equipped for “the best solution for people everywhere.”

Biden described the G-7 and NATO meeting as “essential” diplomacy, “because there is no country that acts alone which can meet all the challenges we face today,” including against changes in pandemic and climate.


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