Black Summer is an American streaming television series created by Karl Schaefer and John Hyams. The first season, consisting of 8 episodes, was released on Netflix on April 11, 2019. The series is produced by The Asylum, the same production company behind Z Nation, and is written and directed primarily by Hyams, with Abram Cox writing and directing additional episodes. Jaime King stars in the lead role as Rose, a mother who is separated from her daughter during the earliest and most deadly days of a zombie apocalypse. The series garnered moderate approval from critics. Many of the filming locations are in Calgary, Alberta in Canada. In November 2019, Netflix renewed the series for an eight-episode second season, set three years later and simultaneously with the first season of Z Nation.
Season 2 Black Summer Release Date:
Season 2 of Black Summer will premiere June 17 globally on Netflix.
Official Trailer Season 2 Black Summer:
Black Summer Cast:
- Jaime King as Rose, a mother who is separated from her daughter during the earliest and deadliest days of a zombie apocalypse
- Justin Chu Cary as Julius James, a criminal who took the identity of “Spears”, the name of the soldier he killed
- Christine Lee as Ooh “Sun” Kyungsun, a North Korean woman who is looking for her missing mother
- Kelsey Flower as Lance, a young survivor with no family
- Sal Velez Jr as William Velez, a pole lineman who has a sister and children in Texas
- Nyren B Evelyn as Earl, a mysterious survivor who saves Rose and Spears
- Erika Hau as Carmen, Manny’s girlfriend
- Edsson Morales as Manny, Carmen’s boyfriend
- Gwynyth Walsh as Barbara Watson, a woman who has survived without her husband and is not sure he is alive
- Nathaniel Arcand as Governale, a soldier
- Tom Carey as Bronk, a soldier
- Zoe Marlett as Anna, Rose and Patrick’s daughter
- Mustafa Alabssi as Ryan, a deaf survivor
- Stafford Perry as Phil, a social Darwinist travelling with Carmen and Manny
- Christian Fraser as Marvin, a man traveling with Carmen, Manny and Phil
- Ty Olsson as Patrick (“Human Flow” season 1), Rose’s husband and Anna’s father
- Lonni Olson as Ben (“Human Flow” season 1), a man who meets Barbara on the road