The drama/comedy series is predicated on the novel of an equivalent name by Justin Simien. Dear White race started life during a very controversial fashion just on the name alone. Despite the novel receiving a movie adaptation with an equivalent name, the web became fixated on the title of the series. Despite the controversy, the series was well-received by critics with many highlighting the satire behind the comedy being excellently written Dear White race first debuted on Netflix in April 2017 with new “volumes” arriving annually with season 2 arriving in May 2018 and season 3 in August 2019.

Dear White race season 4 release date

It’s taken a big amount of your time but we finally have a release date for Dear White race season 4 With no official viewing figures released by Netflix, it’s been hard to guage how the series has performed. Beyond the initial outburst of controversy, the series has been great quality-wise but hard to inform whether it’s a ratings juggernaut.

The only piece of data we’ve ever got regarding viewership was in summer 2020 where Netflix introduced a Black Lives Matter collection where the series reportedly enjoyed a lift of 700% in viewership.

In October 2019, two months after volume 3 dropped on Netflix, it had been announced the show would be returning for a fourth season but that it might even be the last. As some dub it, a “recanceling In a statement, Justin Simien who is the creator and executive producer said:

“I’m so grateful my little indie-that-could has made it to four seasons at Netflix. This show, along side the various talented storytellers it’s brought into my orbit, has changed my life and that i can’t wait to make a celebratory final volume befitting such a transformative experience.”

Where is season 4 of Dear White race in production?

Production on the fourth season was inevitably delayed from its early 2020 start date thanks to the coronavirus pandemic where the bulk of productions were canned to assist stop the spread.

It was later within the summer where ProductionWeekly reported that production was thanks to start on October 13th, 2020 in l. a. . Since production restart, it’s had to pause a few of times (once in November thanks to an epidemic and a delay in restarting after the Christmas break


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