The doctor has given a warning about the danger of the FAD diet, after being disclosed that the Australian Cricket Great Shane Warnne has completed two-week juice cleaning before his death Sportsman died at the age of 52 of a heart attack suspected in Thailand, although it was not clear whether the drastic diet was clear was a reason The police said that he was having chest pain before his death and suffering from asthma and heart problems Just a few days before his death, the former Bowler shared a long picture of himself without a shirt on Instagram and revealed he had worked hard to return in the same form under what he rolled “damaged operation”.

Warne James Erksine manager talked about the “ridiculous” Cricketer juice diet during an interview with Australian weekend today on Sunday “He did do this ridiculous type of diet and he just finished it, where he basically only ate liquid for 14 days and he had done this three or four times,” Erksine said “It’s a little or not at all. It is white bread with butter and lasagna filled in the middle or he will have black and green juice.”

Yasmine Haddad, a licensed clinical nutritionist in Dubai Mypediaclinic, warned people that the Fad diet could be dangerous “The FAD diet is an impractical way to lose weight where people tend to seize their bodies from basic macronutrients and energy for the purpose of losing a large amount in the shortest possible time,” he said.

“Even though this diet makes you lose weight, drastic weight loss, which may have a negative health impact and can never be maintained Dr. Faaraz Zaveri, a specialist cardiologist at Dubai’s first medical center at Al Barsha, said that the liquid diet affects metabolism, including how your body handles liquids and salt He said that the liquid and very low calorie diet could prevent the organ to get the right food and oxygen.

This causes organs to gradually lose the capacity to pump and can cause fluid retention, which causes fatigue and shortness of breath, ultimately leads to congestive heart failure Because of the advantages or disadvantages of fluid, hypochalaemia, hypercalemia or hypomagnesemia can develop, which in turn can lead to the development of arrhythmias which can increase the risk of sudden heart attacks, strokes and heart attacks for those who with and without heart problems, “he said.

“To be healthy, it is best to adopt balanced eating habits and integrate physical activity into your daily life Dr. Nave Ahmed, a cardiologist Intervention consultant at Aster Hospital, warned people that they should not be cheated by advertisements that promote the extreme diet plan “Most of the time people follow advertisements incorrectly promote that this kind of diet will give them a good body or clean all diseases,” he said.

“Instead, the person must consult a doctor or nutritionist, who will create the right plan for you Warne, widely regarded as one of the best Cricketers of all time, is accepting the country’s funeral in Australia His death which suddenly triggered a tribute flood from fellow players, fans and celebrities throughout the world.


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