Russia hit the target from almost one end of Ukraine to another Thursday, including Kyiv, bombarded the city while the United Nations head was visiting the boldly attack in the capital since Moscow’s forces retreated a few weeks ago.At least one person was killed and several people were injured in the attack on Kyiv, including some who were trapped in debris when two buildings were beaten, the rescue official said.

The bombing came almost an hour after the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a press conference with the Secretary General of the US António Guterres, who said Ukraine had become a “center of heartache and unbearable pain.” A spokesman said Mr. Guterres and his team were safe.

Meanwhile, the explosion was reported throughout the country, in Polonne in the West, Chernihiv near the border with Belarus, and Fectiv, a large railroad center in the southwest of the capital. Mayor of Odesa in South Ukraine said the rocket was intercepted by air defense.Ukraine authorities also reported intense Russian fires in Donbas – The heart of the eastern industry which according to Kremlin was its main goal – and near Kharkiv, a northeast city outside Donbas which was seen as an offensive key.

In the destroyed Mariupol South Port City, Ukraine fighters hid in a steel factory representing the last pocket of the resistance said the bombing was concentrated overnight and injured more people. And the authorities warn that the lack of safe drinking water in the city can cause a deadly disease outbreaks such as cholera and dysentery.

In Zaporizhzhia, an important way for tens of thousands of Ukraine who fled from MariUpol, a 11 -year -old boy was among at least three people who were injured in a rocket attack which according to the authorities was the first to crash into a residential area in the southern city since then Since the south, since the south since the south was in the southern city in the south in the south in the south it was in the south city in the south in the south in the south that since then the south In the south since then in the southern city since the other party began. Broken glass cut the boy’s feet into the bone.

Vadym Vodostoyev, the boy’s father, said: “It only takes one second and you don’t have anything.”New attacks occurred when Guterres surveyed destruction in small cities outside the capital who saw some of the worst horror from the first attack of the war. He condemned the cruelty carried out in cities like Bucha, where evidence of mass killings of civilians was found after Russia resigned in early April before an unexpected resistance. “Wherever there is war, the highest price is paid by civilians,” said the US Head.

Separately, the Ukrainian prosecutor accused 10 Russian soldiers of “being involved in the torture of peaceful people” in Bucha. Attorney General Iryna Venediktova did not say his office had submitted a criminal claim, and he filed an appeal to the public to get assistance in gathering evidence. Russia denies targeting civilians.During his speech at night, Zelenskyy renewed an appointment to ask for the responsibility of the Russian army for the crimes they committed and said about the 10 identified Thursday previously: “Some of them may not, however, live until the trial and fair punishment. But only for one reason: this Russian brigade has been transferred to the Kharkiv region. There they will receive a reply from our military. “

In the attack on Kyiv, the explosion shook the city and the fire flowed out of the window in at least two buildings – including one housing – in the capital, which was relatively unjured in recent weeks. Lumps of smoke can be seen above the city.The explosion in the Shevchenkivsky district in northwest Kyiv came when residents returned to the city. Cafe and other businesses have been reopened, and more and more people have come out and around, enjoying spring weather.

It was not clear how far the attack was from Mr. Guterres.


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