With the contradiction sustain the non-confidence movement against the Tehreek-i-Insaaf (PTI) government tomorrow, Imran Khan’s prime minister has changed so desperately to save his job that he was 180 degrees in his comments on the Pakistani army after praising the Indian government of independent foreign policy and Indian soldiers because they are not corrupt.

According to Diplomats based in Islamabad, the non-confidence movement will be submitted tomorrow but the National Assembly will be postponed because of the death of a member. In accordance with the Pakistani Constitution, it is obliged to put the movement not believe to choose after three days and before seven days. Simply put, Imran Khan seems to be on the way out.

The current situation is that PTI’s leadership tried to convince Ally MQM-P not to join the opposition by removing the government. A five-member bench from the Pakistani Supreme Court will hear the petition submitted by the Attorney General to seek his opinions and directions about Article 63-a Constitution, which is related to the disqualification of parliament for the defection with PM Khan looking for a lifelong disqualification for party members who choose him After the maturity with the head of the Pakistani army of the Qamar Gen Jawed Bajwa since last year, PM Khan changed the turtle yesterday and praised the army to keep the nation unite and did not let it split three ways on the ethnic fault line. Pakistani soldiers have decided to remain out of the current political flux in Islamabad but at the same time senior – mostly the generals in Rawalpindi GHQ have informally told Khan’s Prime Minister to place in the letters into the temporary government.

Despite promising “Naya Pakistan”, PM Khan has failed to stop the economy of Pakistan from circling while becoming deep into Chinese debt on behalf of infrastructure development. Things are getting more complicated with PM Khan takes inappropriate potshots in the US and European Powers for the first time in Afghanistan and now in Ukraine. But this is not all.

Even though PM Khan praised the Taliban for violating the bondage of slavery after arresting Kabul last August 15, this Afghanistan situation has created more challenges for Islamabad than very strategic space and accompanying leverage. The Taliban led by Mullah Yaqoob fully contradicts the contents protected Haqqani network led by global terrorists Sirajuddin Haqqani, producing the absence of a prolonged government in a torn country. The fact is today a variety of Taliban factions meet in Kandahar and the accommodation of traditional Taliban leaders is estimated in the near future.

The failure of Imran Khan’s government in Afghanistan became more highlighted because Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan refused to clench the line of ideological brothers in Kabul and Sue to peace with Islamabad. It can be understood that TTP has told the Taliban that they cannot adopt multiple standards by establishing Islamic Emirates in Afghanistan while against the same goal in Pakistan. With Afghanistan PainerBox potential and the nationalistic movement that lights up at Balochistan and Sindh, PM Khan seems to be at the exit even though he tried to pull the rabbit from his hat to freeze his political rivals at the last minute.


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