The United Nations: After the Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear generator in Ukraine, India warned that accidents involving nuclear facilities may have severe consequences for public and environmental health, while stating that the UN Security Council “must recognize” suppressing the humanitarian crisis faced by Ukraine “India is concerned with the highest interest to ensure the security and safety of nuclear facilities because any accident involving nuclear facilities may have severe consequences for public and environmental health,” India’s remaining representatives to the United Nations Ambassador Ts Tirumu to the UN Security Council.

The 15-state council held an emergency session, which was summoned by Albania, France, Ireland, Norway, England and the United States on Friday, following the Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear plant in Southeast Ukraine Tirumahi said India continued to follow carefully developments on the security and security of the Ukrainian nuclear reactor and facilities and added that India approved the highest priority to dismissal by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of its protection and monitoring activities, in Indonesia in accordance with the law Effective, non-discriminatory and efficient.

“We have also recorded the latest information available related to nuclear power plants and facilities in Ukraine,” including the updates provided by the Director General of the IAEA Rafael Mariano Grossi in the current situationTirumu said while the board discussed the ongoing nuclear dimensions of the UN, the UN body had to admit that there was “an urgent humanitarian crisis to face us in Ukraine, where innocent salvation and security including several thousand Indian citizens, in particular.”

He expressed hope that the second round of talks between Russia and Ukraine contributed to the direct establishment of a safe humanitarian corridor Under the Secretary General for the Affairs of the Political and Peace Building Rosemary Dicarlo told the meeting that every effort must be taken to avoid disaster nuclear incidents “Military operations around nuclear sites and other critical civil infrastructure are not only unacceptable but are very irresponsible. Ukraine only knows too good destruction, the main nuclear accident can cause. Chernobyl disaster in 1986 stands for an old example to ensure all generators Nuclear power has the highest security and security standards, “said Dicarlo.

Tirumu said it was “regrettable” that the situation in Ukraine had deteriorated further since the last Security Council was held on this issue last week Tirumuti reiterated that “direct termination” violence and the end to all hostilities is very important He added that as repeated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his conversation with global leaders, including Russian and Ukrainian federations, differences must be resolved through sustainable dialogue and diplomacy “Commitment to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, for international law and respect for territorial sovereignty and integrity of all countries is the main principles in this matter.


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