In its efforts to increase the comedy genre on its platform, Netflix worked with Mike Myers of Austin Powers and Shrek Fames for a new comedy limited series called Pentasacate. This series is very different in the casting because Myers will play instead of one, not two, but seven characters. As an incognito master and various accents, Myers will be at home on Netflix is ​​Pentasacrate.

This series was made and written by Mike Myers and will be directed by the Kirkby team. Kirkby is known for his work on projects such as Fleabag, Veep and more.

Both Myers and Kirkby will be produced together with John Lyons – who works with Myers in the second and third Austin Powers film – Tony Hernandez (frontal full of Samantha Bee, younger) and Lilly Burns (Emily in Paris, Media, along with producer gongs Show Exec Jason Weinberg. This series was officially launched on June 8, 2021 but the existence of the show was known in several forms since April 2019.

Mike Myers.

This is the other we know about Netflix the PentasaVerate:

What is the Pentasaon plot?

The official longline for Netflix is ​​Pentasatchate read as follows:

“What if the secret society of five men has worked to influence world events for greater good since the black outbreak of 1347?” When the series began, a Canadian journalist who could not find himself involved in the mission to uncover the truth and only might save his own world. Remember, pentasearaat must never be exposed! “

Who was thrown into Pentasave?

The Cast of the PentaCrate was announced by Netflix on June 8, 2021. As mentioned, Myers will play seven new characters, while the rest of the cast series will include Ken Jeong (The Hangover), Keegan-Michael Key (Key & Peele) (Key & Peele )), Debi Mazar (Entourage), Richard McCabe (Wallander), Jennifer Saunders (Death in Nil), & Lydia West (it is a sin).

How many episodes will be in Pentasave?

Netflix is ​​a Pentasacrate confirmed by the deadline to become a limited six-section series.

What is the status of pentasacrate production?

We can confirm that production has been going on at Pentasacrate which is also under the work degree cannot wait.

When will Pentasatch be released on Netflix?

There is no date confirmed for penaverate, but it is safe to say we might see it around 2022


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