Marching Orders, a Netflix Original docuseries is about to go away Netflix just three years after it had been initially added to Netflix round the globe Released on August 3rd, 2018 the short film docuseries featured 12 10-minute episodes that follows the marching band of Bethune-Cookman University in Florida.

The show is currently set to expire from Netflix globally on August 3rd, 2021 The series is produced by Gigantic Productions! and distributed to Netflix globally by Stage13. They’re an equivalent distributor of Cooking on High which is another Netflix Original series that has recently departed. They also distribute other Netflix Originals which could face removal within the future including It’s Bruno! (which is in limbo after season 1) and Special (which bound up with its second season in May 2021).

Gigantic! Productions is predicated in ny City and they’ve since gone on to supply the 2019 documentary Parkland Rising directed by Cheryl Horner The show will join alittle but growing list of titles that were marked as Netflix Originals which have departed the service. Big titles therein list include Happy Valley, The Killing, and Slasher. This represents a drag for Netflix as they not only need to replace outgoing licensed content but also their own Original library titles too.

The good news is that Netflix does have another cheerleading series to dive into called Cheer which was released in January 2020 and gained much more attention by both fans and media alike. thereupon said, one among the celebs of that show was arrested putting a cloud over the series We’ve reached bent the assembly company behind the show to ascertain where we’ll be ready to catch Marching Orders next and can allow you to know if we hear more. We’d also recommend following the Facebook page for the show which saw some activity back in April.


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