New Delhi “ No prints please,” says Lieutenant General Nadeem Anjum, Pakistan’s new Director General of theInter-Services Intelligence or ISI. Unlike his forerunners, Anjum unexpectedly doesn’t crave media content, which has impressed numerous Pakistanis, who breathed a shriek of relief after eventually being relieve of “ media empty Bajwa” and being “ too fed up” with the “ politicized General Faiz Hameed”.

Following Anjum’s order not to partake his picture or videotape footage with the media, the videotape recordings of Pakistan’s National Security Committee meeting Monday captured everyone except the top spymaster of the country. Anjum was chosen as the new ISI chief in October this time, replacing Lt Gen Faiz Hameed Saluting his decision to stay down from the media, a Pakistani Twitter stoner wrote, “ A true dogface who wants no hype. His work will speak volumes and we will see that. Insha Allah.”

One varied him with the current Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa Another questioned if he’s the “ real Spymaster or too fed up of Faiz’s exposure?”

Intelligence officials shun publicity

Several Pakistanis praised Anjum’s want for no content.

Calling Anjum decision a “ great depoliticization”, a stoner wrote, “ New DG ISI is a largely professional dogface unlike the largely politicized General Faiz Hameed@OfficialDGISPR. New dg ispr too is largely professional unlike the former Asif ghafoor who sounded like a pti prophet further than fortified forces spokesperson (sic)”.

Some observed that “ intelligence professionals always duck hype” Still, one stoner offered an intriguing take, saying, “ Maybe he (Anjum) has the idea about his unborn memes”. Another said he can give a competition to Prime Minister Imran Khan with his aesthetics Stressing on how “ Intelligence agencies the world over don’t call attention to themselves”, a stoner wrote, “ Professionalism demands they’re neither seen nor heard, unless they absolutely have to”. Others called it a‘ positive step’that should be followed by all in the fortified forces.


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