Adani Power Limited (APL) has signed an agreement with the Japanese-IHI Corporation and KOWA Company Ltd. (KOWA) – to collaborate on sustainable power plants, the Gautam Adani-LED billionaire said on March 22.

The company will study the feasibility of ammonia co-fired units which will help hang down the DECARBONISE coal fuel unit. The company aims to achieve a 20 percent modification target of liquid ammonia in combustion together and aims to increase this with a ratio of up to 100 percent of the combustion of mono in the power plant power plant.

“Al aims to lead the Indian initiative in achieving a target reduction target for greenhouse gases by evaluating the possibility of implementing potential ammonia as fuel in thermal power plants that will utilize ammonia from green hydrogen in the existing thermal power plant,” said the company in the statement.

Kowa supports adani power by conducting a global survey of hydrogen and ammonia related technologies used for power plants. IHI Corporation has succeeded in showing ammonia co-fingating technology in large-scale commercial coal power plants in Japan and has also responded to many questions related to ammonia co-fired globally.

Adani Power said that this study contributed to carbon neutrality in India in line with “Indian Clean Energy Partnership (CEP)” which was announced by the Government of India and Japan on March 19, 2022, which aims to promote energy cooperation between the two countries. .

The Ministry of Power told the first part of the National Hydrogen Mission Policy on Hydrogen Green and Green Ammonia, aimed at increasing production. Hydrogen green has the potential to become an enabler for global transition to sustainable energy with zero zero emissions economy. Hydrogen green refers to hydrogen generated from electrolysis of water when the entire process is run on renewable energy.

The second phase of the policy is in manufacturing. Even before the government announced the first phase of the National Hydrogen Mission, Adani Group said that he hoped to become one of the largest green hydrogen producers in the world, which can then help India emerge as the cheapest hydrogen producer in the world.

The Adani Group invested $ 20 billion in a renewable energy generator over the coming decade and wanted to use its generation to produce green hydrogen. 


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