New Delhi: Salman Khan shared a “crazy, over the top” video to announce a replacement season of Bigg Boss. The actor posted a video on his Instagram profile on Thursday, during which he announced that the new season of the favored TV reality show will first stream on OTT platform Voot, six weeks before it airs on television. Salman Khan also added that he are going to be hosting the show on Colors TV (the channel on which the show airs). Salman Khan,

within the video, says, “Iss baar ka Bigg Boss itna crazy, itna over the highest hoga ki TV par ban hojayega. TV par main host karunga, boot main, suit mein, taaki ussey pehle aap dekho Voot pe ( this point , Bigg Boss are going to be so crazy and over the highest that it’d get banned on TV. i will be able to host it on TV, in boots and suit. Before that, you’ll watch it on Voot).”

Sharing the video, Salman Khan wrote in his caption: “For the primary time ever, India’s biggest reality show will launch exclusively on Voot. Aap maze lo voot pe aur main apse milunga seedhe, Colors TV pe.” He added the hashtags #BiggBossOttonVoot, #BiggBossOTT, #BBOtt and #BBOttOnVoot to his post.


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