Although it is important to realize sex, thus preventing PMS, it is also important to be educated about it. New research says that sexual health programs that include sexual desires and sexual pleasure can increase knowledge and attitudes with sex, and the use of condoms compared to what is not.

This research was published in the ‘Ploos One’ open access journal The research literature meta-analysis from 2005-2020 was found that combining fun in these programs could have a positive effect on safer attitudes and sexual behavior and recommend reviewing the approach of sexual education and health interventions that do not recognize that sexual experience can be fun.

Billions of dollars are spent throughout the world every year on health services and programs and sexual and reproductive rights. But with less than ten years to achieve unsustainable sustainable development goals, which target sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, there is still a large global burden of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.

Researchers of the ‘Fun Project’, who is the Ministry of Health and Reproduction of Health and Reproduction and colleagues, reviewing 33 unique interventions that target STI / HIV risk reduction that combines pleasure, and eight meta-analysis. They found evidence that including pleasure can have a significant positive effect throughout information-based attitudes and knowledge, including participants’ self-confidence in behavioral changes, and motivation to use condoms, and in the use of behavior and condoms.

While the author looks for intervention throughout the spectrum of sexual health interventions (including family contraception and intervention), this review ultimately includes programs related to STI / HIV targeting a population that is considered ‘vulnerable’. The authors note that future work is needed to include and evaluate the inclusive intervention of pleasure in reproductive health spaces and for the general population.

The team believes that it continues to avoid pleasure in sexual health and education risk that is wrong direction or ineffective using resources. The researchers called for a fundamental thinking about how the program was oriented.

The author added, “The pleasure has been seen and stigmatized in health promotion and sex education, although clear connections of health and self-welfare. Our systematic review and our meta-analysis, the first, shows that including his sex, showing that including sexual consideration of pleasure Sexual and reproductive health increases condom use and then can increase sexual and reproductive health results. “

They also said, “Policy makers and program managers must be easier to recognize that pleasure is the main drivers of sexual behavior, and those who combine them in sexual and reproductive health services can reduce adverse results. Eight years from sustainable development deadline, the innovative strategy can Speeding up progress towards the SRHR target, including the prevention of STI and HIV, it is needed. The program that adopts a positive and inclusive sex approach is one of the innovations that must be considered urgently.


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