Sushmita Sen had seized all the spotlights a few days ago when Lalit K Modi shared photos with her and made their relationship official. Social media was filled with people who were talking about the actress’s new love. In fact, many people even laughed at her and qualified Aarya actress as a “golden doc”. Well, Sushmita closed all the trolls like a boss yesterday by sharing a long note and expressing that she prefers diamonds on gold. As she shared this post, many celebrities like Priyanka Chopra, Ranveer Singh and others took her comments section to rent and support each other.

In the note that Sushmita Sen had published, one of the songs said: “” I dig more deeply than gold … and I always (famous) the favorite diamonds !! And yes I always buy them myself !!! I love support at the heart of all the well -filled and my loved ones continue to expand. Know, your Sush is absolutely good. Because I have never lived on the transient light borrowed from approval and applause. I am the sun…. Perfectly centered in my being and my conscience !! I love you !!! “Taking on the comments section, Priyanka Chopra wrote” Tell to Em Queen !! “, Ranveer Singh posted emojis of heart, Neha Dhupia posted an emoji Heart and Fire and wrote” SUSH ! “, Dia Mirza posted several emojis at heart and so on.

Earlier, after Lalit Modi published the photos with Sushmita Sen, the reports that they made the knot surfaced. Modi then expressed clarification on their wedding rumors and said they were coming out together. However, he also mentioned that they will soon make the knot. Lalit Modi tweeted: “Just for more clarity. Not married – just go out with each other. This too will happen one day. ” Meanwhile, speaking of the Labor Front, Sushmita Sen will come back as Arya in the third season of the criminal thriller and started to shoot for the same.


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