Luke Cage, the third of the Marvel Netflix series, will see the first and second season leaving Netflix globally on March 1, 2022, with rights returning to Disney Before becoming a protector of Harlem, we first saw the Character of Luke’s cage debuting at Netflix in the first season Jessica Jones in November 2015. Less than a year later, in September 2016, Luke Cage returned to supernhero sightseeing itself on the streets of Harlem.

Thanks to the extraordinary success of the first two seasons Daredevil, and Jessica Jones’s first season, there was a lot of hope that surrounded the release of Luke Cage Unfortunately, in the eyes of many people, this series did not meet expectations and suffered greatly from the initial exit of Cottonmouth criminals, which was very well depicted by the Academy Award winning actor in the future, Maharshala Ali. Apart from the criticism in the first season, the second season turned green and finally arrived in June 2018.

With practically no news around Luke’s enclosure update and iron fists in a few weeks after arriving at Netflix, the cracks began to show, and immediately felt like the beginning of the end of the Marvel show on Netflix. However, at that time, there was still hope in the form of brave, punisher, and Jessica Jones, but once Netflix stated that the season 3 of the braveness was the last, all the remaining marvel shows would experience the same fate. .

In the end, Netflix’s relationship declined with Disney, and the last planned ambitious to release its own streaming services, Disney + at the end of 2019, will eventually see the end of the Netflix Marvel event All series related to defenders including Punisher, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Daredevil all will leave Netflix on March 2022.

When is The Punisher scheduled to leave Netflix?

At the time of publishing, the two Luke Cage seasons will leave Netflix globally on March 1, 2022 Netflix has confirmed to us on what is on Netflix that Luke Cage will depart on March 1, and the rights will return to Disney Below is the deletion notification displayed when streaming the first episode of Cage Luke:

Where will Luke Cage be available for the next stream?

Naturally, the next house expected from Luke Cage will become Disney +, however, there is a recent history of older Marvel content sent to Hulu Disney + has had all libraries dedicated to miracles, and recent reintroduction from several Netflix Marvel characters showed new MCU content, it would use Luke in Disney + Below is the deletion notification displayed during streaming Punisher Date of removal of Punisher Netflix

Where will The Punisher be available to stream next?

Punisher is more mature and graph than what customers will be used to look at Disney + and the last performances in the MCU. This means there is a possibility that Punisher can be sent to the upstream where some of the older Marvel content is available for streaming.


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