The series is a 20-episode animated comedy following the mischievous little Transformers robots, otherwise known as BotBots based on Hasbro’s popular toy line of the same name. BotBots, released in late 2018, are 1-inch collectible characters that can change from an ordinary object into a little robot in just 3-5 easy steps.
Transformers Botbots Season 1 Release Date:
Transformers: Botbots Season 1 upcoming Netflix release date is expected to be 2021.
Official Trailer Season 1 Transformers Botbots:
Transformers Botbots Cast:
The original toy line and the storybook series features the team of Chief Charlie Burns (Optimus Prime’s and Hoist’s partner), an adult Cody Burns (Heatwave’s partner), Sawyer Storm (Blades’ and Medix’ Partner), Walker Cleveland (Boulder’s partner), Billy Blastoff and Jack “Hunter” Tracker (Chase’s partners), and Axel Frazier (Bumblebee’s partner).
The TV series features Chief Charlie Burns (Chase’s partner), Cody Burns as a child (Optimus Prime’s and Salvage’s partner), Dani Burns (Blades’s partner), Kade Burns (Heatwave’s partner), and Graham Burns (Boulder’s partner), as well as Doc Greene and Francine Greene as supporting characters (who later in the series become temporary partners to the Autobot High Tide). Season 1 is available for streaming via Netflix. Hasbro has also made seasons 1–3 available digitally on iTunes and on YouTube through a paid subscription.