U.S. President Joe Biden speaks to the news media as Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris host Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin at the White House in Washington, U.S., February 1, 2022. REUTERS/Leah Millis

US President Joe Biden said the Supreme Court’s decision to cancel the right to abortion was exercise in “raw political power” and signed an executive order on Friday to facilitate access to services to end pregnancy.Biden, a Democrats, was under pressure from his own party to take action after last month’s decision to cancel Roe V Wade, which reversed about 50 years of protection for female reproductive rights.

The order directs the government’s health department to expand access to “drug abortion” – prescribed pills to end pregnancy – and make sure women have access to emergency medical care, family planning and contraceptive services. It also mentioned protecting doctors, women who travel for abortion and mobile abortion clinics on the country’s border.

But it offers several specifics and promises to have a limited impact in practice, because US countries can make laws limit abortion and access to drugs.”What we witness is not a constitutional assessment, it is training in raw political power,” Biden told reporters at the White House. “We cannot allow the Supreme Court out of control, working together with extremist elements from the Republican Party, to take our freedom and personal autonomy.”

The White House does not openly entertain the idea of ​​reforming the court itself or expanding the nine members’ panels. Conversely, Biden determines how abortion rights can be codified into law by voters if they choose “two additional pro-selected senators, and pro-electable houses” and urge women to leave the number of records to vote. He said he would veto whatever law was passed by the Republican party to prohibit the rights of abortion nationally.

Jen Klein, Director of the President’s Gender Policy Council in the White House, did not mention the specific name when asked what the command would change for women.You cannot finish with what executive actions have been done by the Supreme Court,” he said.


However, progressive parliament members and abortion rights groups welcomed the direction. Senator Elizabeth Warren called it “important first step,” and asked the government to explore every option available to protect abortion rights.This problem can help encourage Democrats to the election in the mid -November election, when the Republican party has the opportunity to control the congress.

Protecting abortion rights is a major problem for Democratic women, Reuters showed voting, and more than 70% of Americans thought this problem must be handed over to a woman and doctor.Chairperson of the Republic of the Republic of the Republic of Ronna McDaniel said “Democrats are not related to the American people” after Biden’s statement.In June, Biden proposed that the US senators remove the legislative road barrier by temporarily raising the “Filibuster” senate to restore the rights of abortion, but the suggestion was shot down by the helpers to the main democratic senator.

Previously in June, Sumber told Reuters that the White House could not take the brave steps of the abortion access that had been requested by members of the Democratic Parliament, such as court reforms or offering reproductive services in federal land.The Supreme Court Decision restores the country’s ability to prohibit abortion. As a result, women with unwanted pregnancies face the choice of traveling to other countries where the procedure remains legal and available, buying abortion pills online, or conducting illegal abortions that are potentially dangerous.


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