South Korea-based amasking manufacturing companies have developed unique masks that gradually get attention to social media for their form and use. We present to you ‘Kosk,’ mask that can be used by someone when eating or drinking. Kosk allows because the mask only covers the nose and leaves the mouth for free for various applications.

Masks that are unusually developed by South Korean companies named Atman. While at first, it is an ordinary mask that covers the mouth and nose, can be folded into ‘kosk’ which only covers the nose and makes you drink or eat easily. The word ‘kosk’ is a combination of masks and Korean words for the nose, ‘Ko,’ reported the Washington post.

Masks are available on several online platforms and are marked as KF80 masks, where KF stands for ‘Korean filter’ and the accompanying number of abbreviations shows the efficiency of masks to filter particles as small as 0.3 microns. So, according to it, the KF80 mask will be able to filter the particles as small as 0.3 microns with an efficiency of 80 percent.

As soon as social media was exhaled with an unusual KOSK image, Netizens adorned social media with a bag of mixed reactions. While some still digest this typical design, development, and use of masks, some are analyzed and questioned the efficiency of KOSK, when it comes to protecting users.

Other users named Kosk, summer 2020 ‘mini version’ from ordinary masks Many users still try to understand unusual concepts Other users think that this mask may be a satire and not serious commodities.


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