The urgent need to curb carbon emissions along with significant increase in technology has placed the global focus on e-mobility in recent years. When India aims to step on the model of Smart and Sustainable cities, e-mobility is ready to play an important role in achieving this goal, Aditya Munjal said, Director of the Hero of the Cycle and CEO, Hero Lectro.

E-cycles that add electrical support to make traditional battery-powered bikes are an important element of e-mobility. Not only e-cycles that bring benefits for urban environment and sustainability, but they also offer many benefits for motorists – from health friendly to offer unmatched riding experiences. Not to forget their pocket hospitality when skyrocketing the price of fuel!

If you want to switch to e-mobility, start this world bike day, observed every year on June 3, here are some of the benefits you have to know:

Easy in Pocket

Rising fuel prices have become the main pain area for commuters who drive fossil grade vehicles. With the price of fuel being hiking, many consumers are actively looking for alternative transportation options to reduce their fuel bills even because they want to avoid public transportation in the midst of a raging pandemic.

Supported by batteries, e-cycles are equipped with costs running only 7paise / km, and offers a very decent low-cost alternative for ice machine vehicles.

Good for the environment

For people who tend to be in the direction of environmentally conscious life, drive e-cycles can be the best and free disruption way for travel for short and medium distances such as the nearest or environmental market. If most places of urban residents switch from cars / bicycles / scooters to e-cycles for short and medium trips, it can have an extraordinary effect on the environment.

Inject pleasure into fitness

As a fairly intense cardio exercise, riding electronic bikes can combine pleasure and fitness. Research shows that motorists weighing 70 kg can burn between 280 and 390 calories in one hour drive e-cycles, depending on motor settings. When Covid-19, when the fitness center is beyond the limits and social distance is very important, cycling allows safe physical exercise. The pleasure of the whole cycling experience carrying is cherry on the cake.

The availability of all spectrum mode pedaling – from motor-driven to manual pedaling to hybrid – e-cycle also allows you to choose the intensity of your exercise. Turning on the electric motor can allow you to drive back without sweating for 25km sweet at a maximum speed of 25 km / h in one single charge.

Also read | Five effective cycling ways can help you stay healthy in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic
Traffic jam

Come to think of it, what are the main causes of traffic congestion on urban roads? This is the presence of a large number of private cars. Now imagine a scenario where half of this car was replaced by e-cycles and open space on the road! While e-car is environmentally friendly, they do a little to reduce traffic congestion, the main curse of urban life. This is why e-cycles are more sense than the e-car to build a sustainable city.

No need for a license

Latest with good old bikes, riding a bicycle will easily depend on how fast someone can learn to achieve the right balance. Without licensing requirements, e-cycles can be popular in all age groups.

E-cycles in Indian scenarios

Two-wheeled motorized continues to dominate Indian streets. According to the Delhi Economic Survey 2018-19, from 109.86 Lakh motorized vehicles on Jalan Delhi in 2018, more than 70 lakh were two wheels, including motorbikes and scooters. E-cycle penetration is still limited to urban elites that are recreational and fitness. However, e-cycles have the potential to become an aspirational alternative for two-wheeled motorized, said Munjal. According to market research, the Indian e-Bike market was valued at USD 1.02 million in 2020 and projected to grow


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